News / Noticias We have two sons. Sebastian is 3, Francisco just 5 months old. I cannot imagine the emotional trauma my boys would experience if they were to be separated from Vanessa and me. But that’s what’s happening at our border—forced family separations,...
Gallery Events It’s the 33nd years of Celebration! Shaleen Cuevas from En La Escena / On The Scene joined The 116th Street Festival celebration with various music, fun, art, and food influenced by the Puerto Rican and Hispanic culture, last June 9th, 2018. The 116th...
Television Each neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro has its favorite Carnival Street Party. There are more than 300 of them in Rio today, and every year that number increases of people. Each street party, also called block, has its place or street for its parade and the...
Baseball Hall of Fame 2019 OTS Sports
Silvana Magda with The Katenda Band & Viva Brazil Dancers