News / Noticias Lin-Manuel Miranda Recibe su Estrella en el Paseo de la Fama en Hollywood Escritor, compositor, actor, letrista, rapero y genio creativo, Lin-Manuel Miranda recibió su propia estrella en el Paseo de la Fama de Hollywood. El creador de los exitosos...
News / Noticias LA CIUDAD DE NUEVA YORK Y PUERTO RICO FIRMAN PRIMER ACUERDO DE COOPERACION QUE BENEFICIA EL SECTOR TURISTICO —La nueva alianza en materia de turismo destaca El apoyo y la conexión entre los dos destinos— Nueva York, 23 de octubre, 2018 – NYC &...
News / Noticias We have two sons. Sebastian is 3, Francisco just 5 months old. I cannot imagine the emotional trauma my boys would experience if they were to be separated from Vanessa and me. But that’s what’s happening at our border—forced family separations,...
Gallery Events By: Dove Cuevas Puerto Rican flags were waving with pride along Fifth Avenue as hundreds of thousands came out to celebrate the National Puerto Rican Day Parade 2018 in Manhattan. Though the parade is in its 61st year, the tone of the 2018 parade themed...
Gallery Events It’s the 33nd years of Celebration! Shaleen Cuevas from En La Escena / On The Scene joined The 116th Street Festival celebration with various music, fun, art, and food influenced by the Puerto Rican and Hispanic culture, last June 9th, 2018. The 116th...
Baseball Hall of Fame 2019 OTS Sports
Silvana Magda with The Katenda Band & Viva Brazil Dancers