Mundoloco CGI’s animated short “Ian” shares the important message of inclusion

Dec 3, 2018

This emotional film is based on the true story of a boy called Ian. The film was created by Emmy nominee Gastón Gorali, produced by Oscar winner and two-time Emmy winner Juan José Campanella and directed by Abel Goldfarb. This important film aims to help children to understand disability and for the message of inclusion to reach every home.

Ian was born with cerebral palsy. All he wants is to make friends, although it seems impossible to achieve when discrimination and bullying keep him away from his beloved playground. However, this young boy is determined and won’t give up easily.

The Ian Foundation was created by Ian’s mother Sheila Graschinsky to fight the lack of information that often leads to people with disabilities being bullied and feeling isolated.  Sheila originally approached MundoLoco CGI with the idea of using film as a teaching tool and Gastón Gorali wrote the film around the real story of Ian.


We hope you will join the Ian Foundation, Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation and Shane’s Inspiration by sharing this message of inclusion with your friends across your social media accounts using the hashtags #InclusionRules_IanFilm @fundacionian


Please share the film “Ian” and help us create a more inclusive world. #InclusionRules_IanFilm @fundacionian

Watch the short film “Ian” and help build a more inclusive world together. @fundacionian

Today November 30th don’t miss the world premiere of “Ian”. Let’s build a more inclusive world together. Watch the film here #InclusionRules_IanFilm @fundacionian